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First scrapbooking pages

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Yep, I’m totally addicted to digi scrapping and I’ve got a couple pages that I’m proud of to show off. Of course they are of Austin. Well, the first on is sorta of Austin. It is a progression of my pregnancy with belly pictures and ultrasound images. I think it turned out pretty well. I used a free kit that I found online called ent’attendant by Petit Moienaux.


This second one I did was for a challenge on a forum. The rules were to use only pictures from cell phones. I thought about this one for a short time before deciding what to do, and it was pretty easy. I used the Sweet Serenity Kit by Shabby Princess for this one.

Cell Phone Pics

The journaling isn’t readable but it says “Daddy wouldn’t leave my side while I was in labor to go get the camera from the car. The only pictures we have from the delivery room are from his phone. I was angry at him not capturing those first moments. Now, 7 months later, I’m glad that he wanted to support me during a painful time. I also love using my camera phone to catch those unexpected fun moments.”

Anyways, those are some of my first pages and I’m really happy with them.

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