Photo slacking
I know, I’m not blogging. And it’s not because I’m not crafting, but more because I’m not taking photos. I have very few progress shots, but several cell phone photos of my finished works. I’m hoping to get out of the funk soon, but here is some of my most recent cell photos of crafty things.
First are the Rapunzel scarves. I’ve made several of these recently. Pretty simple, lots of 10 ft. lengths of yarn, divided into three sections and braided, knotted on the ends. Tiff has two already! I love how I can incorporate many different textures and colors all into one project!
Then there’s the ink pens. I’ve been making these for at least 10 years, maybe longer. There’s about 10 ft. of embroidery floss inside the barrel of each pen and I love them. One of my facebook friends commented that they were “trippy” which I think could be an accurate description. These will be posted in my shop soon, so stay tuned.
And I’m doing the stars again. We have a nice dining room table and I want centerpieces now. Also hoping that I’ll be able to get all the electronics off the mantle so I can decorate it eventually, but that will require another piece of furniture. We shall see.
Next on the list, is melting things. Just waxy things. I found these silicone molds for cheap and thought I’d try out shaped crayons that I see everywhere. Austin likes the bears and butterflies better than the fruit, but that’s because he stacks them like blocks! The first picture is the first try, fresh from the oven still in liquid state. The second picture is popped out of the mold and ready to be used!
That’s the past few months in a nutshell. I’m hoping to be taking more, better quality photos of my craftiness soon, so please come back.
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